Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Enero y Febrero (January and February)

We are learning about La familia. We enjoy learning the new vocabulary and playing games. Click here to practice La familia vocabulario.

In Febrero we will be learning vocabulary about El invierno (winter) The house/The apartment, (La casa/El apartamento). We will be playing games with the latest vocabulary and reviewing what we have learned during the last few weeks. Go here to practice the new vocabulary. Go here to practice vocabulario for furniture from el dormitorio/el cuarto.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Los colores

Here is a link whit a game where you can practice los colores.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Los numeros

We practice los numeros every other week. My goal is to have the kids learn to cout los numeros until 50 (cincuenta). The students at MI are encouraged to learn los numeros until 100 (cien).

Click here to listen to los numeros en español and play a juego de loteria.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weather words

We practice weather word every week.
Go here to practice some weather words.

Cómo esta el tiempo? (How's the weather like today?)

ventoso (windy)
nevado (snowy)
lluvioso (rainy)
tormentoso (stormy)
soleado (sunny)
nublado (cloudy)


Frio (it's cold)
Mucho frio (it's very cold)
Calor (it's hot)
Mucho calor (it's very hot)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Las estaciones y meses del año (Seasons and months)

Click here for a matching meses del año game.
Click here for a puzzle of los dias de la semana.
Click here to play the game Rags to Riches with las estaciones (the seasons).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Octubre y noviembre

In the last few weeks we have learn about El Tiempo (the weather), los colores, los animales and about "El dia de los muertos" (The day of the dead) which is a traditional celebration in Latin American countries, specially in Mexico. El dia de los muertos is a happy celebration where the whole family is part of. We made papel picado in our Clase de Español to celebrate El dia de los muertos!

To learn more about el dia de los muertos go here.

We have been having a lot of fun in clase de Español. Some of the games we have played are: pop!, Spanish Twister and memory games. We have also started singing songs to help us remember the new things we learn every week. For some online activities en Español go here.

Feliz dia de gracias! Happy Thanksgiving! enjoy the break :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

¿Como estás?

On the second week of Spanish class we practiced how to say:
How are you? (¿Cómo estás?) and how to answer when someone asks us:
Bien: Good
Muy bien: Very good
Más o menos: So so
Mal: Not good
Muy mal: Really not good

Enrichment words for those students that had Spanish last year:
Triste: Sad
Feliz: Happy
Cansado(a): Tired
Enojado(a): Mad

We also practiced more greeting words: Buenos dias (Good morning), Buenas tardes (Good afternoon) and Buenas noches (Good evening/Good night). ¡Go here to practice the (saludos) greetings en español!

We also practiced las vocales (the vowels) i and o and words that have those vowels in them:
imán: magnet
silla: chair
jirafa: giraffe
oso: bear
mono: monkey
perro: dog
and others


Señora Bludorn