Monday, December 20, 2010

Weather words

We practice weather word every week.
Go here to practice some weather words.

Cómo esta el tiempo? (How's the weather like today?)

ventoso (windy)
nevado (snowy)
lluvioso (rainy)
tormentoso (stormy)
soleado (sunny)
nublado (cloudy)


Frio (it's cold)
Mucho frio (it's very cold)
Calor (it's hot)
Mucho calor (it's very hot)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Las estaciones y meses del año (Seasons and months)

Click here for a matching meses del año game.
Click here for a puzzle of los dias de la semana.
Click here to play the game Rags to Riches with las estaciones (the seasons).